
2014년 7월 22일 화요일

[Sara Nail] How to dry your nails fast & How to melt solidified manicure :)

How do I dry my nails fast?
How do I melt solidified manicure?
I put regular nail polish yesterday, and it took really long for them to dry...
Even though I was really sleepy, I stayed up until midnight and
dried my nails in front of a fan and finally went to sleep.
Therefore, I'm reallly sleepy right now.........:(

Gel nail polish dries really quickly, but regular nail polish colors take about
2~3 hour to dry!

So today, I'll tell you how to dry your nails really fast and how to melt solidified manicure.

How to dry your manicure fast
1. Put the manicure in the freezer
Manicure completely freezes in -70 ºC (-94 ºF). Put the manicure in the freezer for 5~10 minutes, take it out, then apply it to your nails. When the manicure's in the freezer, the molecular mobility of the manicure decreases, therefore leading to fast drying of manicure. Do not put the manicure in the freezer for too long because the bottle can break!

2. Use Quick-Dry products

This is a quich-dry product that quickly dries your nail polish. This product includes quick-dry spray and quick top coat. This product is really convenient because you just need to spray it on your nails. It quickly dries your nail polish, and also gives a shining effect to your nails.

Quick-top coat quickly dries your nail polish, and maintains your nail polish on your nails for a long time.

3. Put your hands in iced water
This method will make your hands reaaaaaaally cold, but it dries your nails really fast :D Put the nail polish on your nails, put top coat on, and put your hands in the iced water for 5 minutes.

   1) Dry your nails for 1~2 minutes before putting your hands in the cold water.
   2) Be careful not to scratch your manicure again ices!

How to melt solidified manicure
1. Put 3~4 drops of acetone in the nail polish
Just put 3~4 dropf of acetone (nail polish remover) in the manicure. If you put too much, manicure color will get lighter. Put a few drops, and then shake well. This method is a temporary method to melt it :( The next day, your manicure will be solidified again... :D

2. Put Sprite in the nail polish
Carbonic acid in the Sprite melts solidified manicure. But do not put Coke or Fanta because it can change the color of your nail polish!

3. Put manicure solvent/manicure thinner in the nail polish
It's called both manicure solvent and manicure thinner. It is a product for liquifying solidified manicure. Put the thinner 20 minutes before using the manicure.
This product is really famous in Sara Nail :D

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