
2013년 10월 24일 목요일

Coffee Nail Art, Cafe Latte nail designs

Coffee Nail Art
Hi Coffee Lovers? 
I have a coffee Nail Art today to share. It is an Ode to my irrevocable love for Coffee. I can literally imagine the aroma of coffee around me as I write this :) .
As it is raining these days I have a stronger urge to have a warm perfect coffee, but with the coffee nail art on my fingers as I type is taking this urge to another level of obsession. So much so that I am taking a break right now and getting a cup of coffee.
after this let's learn how to do coffee nail art with a tutorial :D
Coffee Nail Art
 Okay, I am back with Coffee :D  :D and back to the nail art. Well, doesn't it look like a coffee color?? 
Coffee Nail Art
make sure to paint coffee beans carefully and use a dotting tool to dot with brown color 
Coffee Nail Art
 cut off a sponge slightly with white color and dip it into your nails. (2 coats)
and then draw a zigzag line with brown color. :D
Coffee Nail Art
 on a thumb finger, i draw a  coffee cup and the initials, "coffee" with white and brown color :D
I hope you enjoyed the nail art and had some extra sip of coffee browsing this. Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Did you feel an urge to have that warm frothy coffee when you saw this nail art?? Let me know your thought! :D 
Always good day! 


댓글 2개:

  1. MMmm~~ Yumm!! I'm feeling like having a good cup of coffee already! Beautifully delicous coffee nail art! ♥ Love it!
